May 8, 2024 - The Great One


Burlington is awesome. We enjoyed Church Street, and yes, we found the perfect Irish Pub. RiRa is authentic with some additional non-Irish fare. Hey, they pour a perfect Guinness, so that’s pretty much all I need. We had a VERY efficient waitress. We were seated outside on the street, which is closed to traffic. She was no-nonsense perfection and somehow communicated everything we needed in one-word sentences without the hint of a grin. She moved between guests as if by magic, appearing and disappearing with drinks, dinner, and comments. I never did have a chance to answer her questions. Poof! She was gone. Impressive.

Walking around town is easy and enjoyable. We were a little concerned about the large number of street people. If I was homeless, Burlington would be a choice location. They do have a drug problem there. But, the street people and musicians are pleasant. Burlington is a friendly town.

Now, about that walking thing. The harbor has miles of walkways. The college folks were strewn across the large green spaces, soaking up the sun. Families with kids on bikes, and of course, the runners and walkers were everywhere. The one disappointment was that the Sherbourne Museum hadn’t opened for the season. Darn, we missed it by just a few days. Unlike Philly or Newport, all the cool stuff is no longer part of the city. Even the famous lighthouse was moved to the museum grounds. They’re preserving stuff, which we love, just not where it originally was. Burlington is still removing and rebuilding. It’s a modern city now. Its history is in the museum up the road. We did find one beautiful home overlooking the harbor. Damn, I forgot the name of the guy who built this mansion. He went bankrupt. His mansion is now home to some lawyers and real estate types. Beautiful nonetheless.

Oh, by the way, one of the landmarks is The Vermont Brewery Pub. One of the first brewery/restaurants in New England. Still slick and fun. We had a great meal there… and a Guinness.

On our way back to CNY we stopped to visit Briana in Saratoga. She picked the Saratoga National Golf Course. I don’t golf, but a weekday, midday is perfect for a quick get-together. Yes, they pour a great Guinness and the food is to die for. It was a beautiful day, but the restaurant and bar were empty. The perfect place to see Bri and give her some Mother’s Day and Birthday love.

While we were waiting for her to arrive, Bill Parcells came in and sat down right next to us at the bar. Yes, THAT Bill Parcells. I have to say, this Giant was one of the most down-to-earth, awesome men we have ever met. And you know, we’ve met a few monsters in our day. If you don’t know who he is, you probably don’t know much about football. I do. And I’m a fan, but in the two hours we hung together not one word of football was spoken. Normal. The man is NORMAL. The Great One is normal.

We’ve got stories. One day… I’ll share them. But, today. We have to get back home.



May 23, 2024 - Andy Pratt


May 7, 2024 - Ethan Allen III