April 8, 2024


Most of us have had this date drilled into our minds for months. The date will fade, but the memories will remain. A once in a lifetime event. The total eclipse of the sun. For Sean Ahern’s little ones it’s one more life event they have to get through without their dad.


It was awe inspiring as we watched a dark shadow approach us from the Southwest then plunge us into complete darkness before heading off to New England. The moon’s shadow. It’s amazing how fast the moon is traveling around the Earth. The kids found it interesting, but not much more. Someday they will look back at the photos we took and realize that it was a very special day, indeed. They will pull out these time encapsulated images to show to their children when they experience their second moment of a lifetime in 2044.

We knew we had to be with these young people on this special day… to just be a family. They need to know that they are not going through this grief alone.

Sean would have loved this day. Kids just being kids. Riding up and down the driveway on their scooters. Maggie selling stickers for a dollar each. Gathering around a fire. Asking questions and laughing at silly answers. Diving into endless snacks. Taking walks and just being.

Little Jack is still fascinated with fans going round and round. When he sees me he makes a beeline for my legs and grabs hold. We have a bond that can only be explained as some kind of kindred spirit thing. His dad and I had that same kind of bond. It’s an Irish thing.

I doubt that I will be around for the next total eclipse. I hope these kids will have fond memories of their old great-uncle. And how much he loved them.


April 14, 2024


April 7, 2024